@ARTICLE{10788514, author={Xia, Qingxin and Morales, Jaime and Huang, Yongzhi and Hara, Takahiro and Wu, Kaishun and Oshima, Hirotomo and Fukuda, Masamitsu and Namioka, Yasuo and Maekawa, Takuya}, journal={ IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing }, title={{ Self-supervised Learning for Complex Activity Recognition through Motif Identification Learning }}, year={5555}, volume={}, number={01}, ISSN={1558-0660}, pages={1-15}, abstract={ Owing to the cost of collecting labeled sensor data, self-supervised learning (SSL) methods for human activity recognition (HAR) that effectively use unlabeled data for pretraining have attracted attention. However, applying prior SSL to COMPLEX activities in real industrial settings poses challenges. Despite the consistency of work procedures, varying circumstances, such as different sizes of packages and contents in a packing process, introduce significant variability within the same activity class. In this study, we focus on sensor data corresponding to characteristic and necessary actions (sensor data motifs) in a specific activity such as a stretching packing tape action in an assembling a box activity, and propose to train a neural network in self-supervised learning so that it identifies occurrences of the characteristic actions, i.e., Motif Identification Learning (MoIL). The feature extractor in the network is subsequently employed in the downstream activity recognition task, enabling accurate recognition of activities containing these characteristic actions, even with limited labeled training data. The MoIL approach was evaluated on real-world industrial activity data, encompassing the state-of-the-art SSL tasks with an improvement of up to 23.85% under limited training labels. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/qingxinxia/MoIL.git. }, keywords={Packaging;Mobile computing;Human activity recognition;Wearable devices;Image reconstruction;Training data;Training;Feature extraction;Data models;Data augmentation}, doi={10.1109/TMC.2024.3514736}, url = {https://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/TMC.2024.3514736}, publisher={IEEE Computer Society}, address={Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, month=dec}